FCBA is a public service establishment, originally named “Centre Technique du Bois”, created through inter-ministerial order dated 15 February 1952, under Act No. 48-1228 of 22 July 1948 establishing the Status of Industrial Technical Centres, now codified in Articles L. 342-1 to 13 (Articles L. 521-1 and following since Order No. 2014-135 of 17 February 2014) of the Research Code. FCBA is an establishment placed under the dual supervision of the Forestry and Industry ministries.
FCBA aims to promote innovation and technological progress.
Its specificity lies in the diversity of the professional sectors it covers: forestry, logging and sawmill operations, paper pulp, panels, packaging and miscellaneous products, construction wood, furniture, gluing, finishing, wood treatment and preservation, health environment, energy…
Teams from the Biology, Chemistry-Ecotoxicology, Mechanics and Physics laboratories at FCBA provide a variety of resources and skills to meet customer needs.
Quality – Joinery workshop – Metrology
The Furniture Division supports wood professionals throughout their projects. It helps to innovate and design new furniture and fittings, check compliance with furniture standards, evaluate and test furniture and components.